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Reports from Trips

Methow River - McFarland Creek to Lower Burma Rd

Published on 6/10/2016
5/28/16  4,700 CFS  II+ (Group 2)

The Sol Duc river was low so the Memorial Day weekend trip moved to the Methow valley.  I think I counted about a dozen rain drops all weekend, quite a change from the usual Sol Duc trip.
We had so many boats show up for this trip that we split into two groups.  Grace and I led Group 2 after Dave Mainer disappeared down the river with Group 1.  In our group we had 2 tandem canoes, 2 solo IK's, and 5 kayakers.  There was plenty of water, without being pushy. Most of the rocks were covered with water. The wave trains were tall and provided lots of fun (and lots of bailing for the open boats).  With all of Group 1 hanging out on shore at the lunch spot in full view of a strong eddy current, Group 2 provided a bit of a show with some eddy line antics that cooled off a couple of paddlers and provided some throw rope practice.  The wild flowers in the riverside meadows regrowing after the big fire two years ago were in full bloom.  A fine day on the river.

Ed Kane